We are very tired already
0.0 And by annihilating the body humans pretended to become apolitical
0.1 Places of physical resistance were losing importance What mattered always was the mind and its amusement #entertainment #momentaryescapes #bodyindenial
(did physical love equal freedom in 1984?)
0.2 We were now to reveal entrapments
1.0 This is a call for rituals
For screams and procedures
Control, outlets
1.1 Remember
When man’s life was organized through a succession of rituals
Where you would find your place as an individual
Protocoled duties soaked with meaning to allow for freedom within
Also, the psycho-physical territory where you could play,
trespass reason’s limits
One would allow for madness and meet what madness could give
1.2 Allow for gestures, crafted movements, repetition, exhaustion
Architecture is the crime scene
2.0 Hell and Paradise are not places but paths, journeys for remembrance, placeholders for memorising virtues and vices, instructions and signals to follow or avoid
2.1 We always meant to start with language
The format is content, the path destination, the place a device, a Pilgrim’s progress
Making ways to reach mind-places, images, ideas, and their associations
2.2 Disposable, re-usable, able to host even contradictory discourses #placesasdatabases
Here we misplace #misplacement
3.0 However, we need to touch, to confront matter
We need the senses; hearing, caressing, little physical hurts … Do we produce or do we filter senses?
3.1 The material will lead you somewhere you wouldn’t expect at first
3.2 We have had enough of forms and formulas
We are to corrupt the mind, almost a technological device, with sensual friction and norm transgression
3.3 My idols are hackers; technological transgression directly problematic, hence political
Buildings like weapons depending on and servile to technology and its display
4.0 We should always quote: Soul is only a word for something about the body (Nietzsche)
4.1 We should remember: Body and spirit are not inscribed in a precise private space but in a game of spaces, forces, enigmas, and mysteries between man and his dead ancestors — this would include animals —
The individual is the ephemeral reunion of elements of diverse origins, of which some pre-existed its birth and will survive its death in different combinations defining other individualities
4.2 In some ancient societies there is a continuity in the interpretation of the episodes of dreaming and waking: the body when awaking feels all the tiredness of the travel made by its double, as the newborn body wears the mark of the ancestral elements which are reincarnating in him
The body does not have strict limits, neither inside nor outside, it is continuous
Becoming … #transtransfertransfixedandintrance
If one allows for what one calls madness more freedom is welcomed
5.0 Man needs blur
We demand permission to be sad, desperate, failures; there should be places for rituals: blood-streaked, oozing, diseased
Places where you can finally feel disgusted
5.1 Meanwhile buildings nowadays take good care of making you dependent; and they accomplish this easily
Poster hangers; buildings as ad displays
Desire of meat, of flesh, of skin and sex — when museums are malls, what else could you build — that you will not obtain, so you can buy something instead, enslaving you to the point there is no way to realize it any longer #perpetualpromiseofanearingsatisfaction
You have enough names for disorders, not enough places
6.0 Mindscapes
6.1 Is there more to a shelter than to protect the body? The body and its double, the spirit and its double as well
6.2 Perception is never neutral; it is infested with our own fears and desires; and so are the places we inhabit The world we inhabit, first our pathologies
6.3 What about rebirth, coming out, weaning, phases of transformation, mediation, an attempt of dialogue, of communication … a rite of passage
Make it make it don’t fake it — fake it ‘til you feel it
7.0 Follies #psychoarchitecture
The celebration of one’s pathologies, phobias, anxieties, neurosis, psychosis … to allow for madness to be lived, to push a logic …
This logic has to become uncomfortable
7.1 Small scale is a way to build it
7.2 Be beyond narration (depart from Ballard’s Vermillion Sands, from the absurd mindscapes of Borges)
7.3 In the becoming, without being … the shelter is a device always in operation, a medium, a manifestation of the mind perhaps … perhaps not much else
An exo-psyche, a space of negotiation between the self with its pathologies, its fears and the outside, the other
If the main subject goes, the shelter goes
But all are fleeing … none of the characters truly belongs here, in that sequence
It is a stolen piece of time … a fragment of place, a sketch of identity, a glimpse into a plausible story
7.4 We barely ask for permission
We extract substances, transform, propose, leave behind
7.5 It persists after we depart; turns problematic
Soon the embodiment of a conflict
Overexploited over-solicited bodies
8.0 Metaphors and/or #mythomaniaS
It seems very literal, dangerously symbolic
Metaphors as vehicles, #mythomaniaS as mind-places
8.1 Bio-eco-consumer and/or mechanical-animal
Our body-cyborg stimulated, electrified, chemically controlled (kubernêsis is the ‘action of manoeuvring a ship‘)
8.2 The mind-machine-making-myths
Trans — transfer — transfixed & in trance, we link it via real-time technologies to reach the territories of fear, when the body becomes tense, animal, endangered
Warp Stabilize — Gamma Correct — Export
9.0 To the solitudes in the network, to each ghost in each shell
Permu(ta)ted bodies, not quite digital, at least mediated, each lost in its own way
9.1 We are children of screens, advertisements and film, our world mediated from birth till death
Do we believe: now everything is cinema
9.2 Millennials, born once the world was already over, made in the network, the enigmatically blank generation, looking at heroic figures of the isolated past, while drooling over perpetual fun and superficial connections, the LIKE generation, my generation, Gen N-E-Y … born within images, slave to the guardian of sleep … generation of happily, voluntarily servile, comfortably numb consumers, while cultural forms get smoother and smoother, narrower and narrower